Finding your Joy through Gratitude

Listening to the many self-development podcasts and YouTube videos, we are all being told how important it is to practice gratitude. Why is this so important?

It is because research has proven that embracing gratitude can reduce stress, anxiety and depression and can help you create more abundance and joy in your life.

As a Mental Wellness Coach and a therapist, so many of my clients are looking for joy, peace and more meaning. I regularly share that practicing gratitude is a technique that takes very little time but the rewards are great!

Three Powerful Ways to Embrace & Practice Gratitude

Here are three powerful yet simple ideas for embracing gratitude to make your life as joy-filled and stress-less as possible:

  1. Practice Gratitude when you first wake up and just before you go to sleep

    List three things you are grateful for first thing in the morning before you get out of bed. And before you go to bed, list three things that happened that day that you are thankful for.

    These habits ensure you start your day with positivity and end the day the same way!

  2. Consciously notice the little things you do not normally pay attention to

    In the hustle and bustle of every day, most of us do not even think about the little things that are wonderful in our lives. Listen to the sounds of laughter in your home, take some time to appreciate the beautiful sunrise, spend some time each day petting or grooming your pet.

    These habits help us become more aware of those amazing aspects of our lives that we don’t normally notice and that we tend to take for granted.

  3. Forgive yourself and those around you

Forgiveness is more for your own well-being, than for the people we forgive.

Forgiveness can be a deeply healing process when you choose to release the pain.

Forgiveness also humanizes both ourselves and our loved ones. We all make mistakes and we can all grow from them.

A Final Note

While there is alot in life that we cannot control, we choose the lens we look at our lives and experiences through. Taking the time to appreciate what we do have is key to our well-being and a healthy state of mind.

Incorporating these simple ideas into your day can help bring you less stress and more joy!

Lynne Protain

Helping women cope with trauma, chronic illness, chronic pain and health conditions regain resilience, heal their mind-body-soul connection and feel joy again.

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